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Dr. Peter McCullough Gains Insight into Pathologist’s World in Dr. Ryan Cole Interview

Team Cole

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

In his weekly show, The McCullough Report with America Out Loud, renowned expert Dr. Peter McCullough provides updates on the hepatitis concerns, shares an interview with Dr. Carrie Madej, and peers inside the work and mind of Dr. Ryan Cole. The segment with Dr. Cole starts at 31:30, and we’ve time stamped the questions posed below the podcast. You will gain understanding when you listen to this incredible conversation.

Time Stamped Questions posed by Dr. Peter McCullough:

31:30 Introduction

32:20 What is pathology? How do pathologists interface with the rest of the medical community?

33:25 Tell us about the different credentials you have, including anatomic pathology and dermatopathology?

34:50 Discussion about autopsies and what we are learning around Covid-19 through these autopsies.

37:45 In your estimation if a patient dies with Covid or dies within 30 days of taking the vaccine, what’s your estimation of the autopsy examination giving new information that could help in understanding the case?

41:30 Dr. McCullough explains the distinction of anatomical and clinical pathology. What can be learned from the clinical laboratory evaluation?

43:05 If someone has acute Covid-19 and gets a blood test, are there specific tests that can determine if someone will have a mild course or a severe case?

45:00 If someone comes in with Covid-19 and has these blood tests and everything is normal, does this mean the patient will have a more benign course of illness?

45:16 If a patient comes in with lymphocyte depression, Vitamin D level of 24 (far below the safety level of 50), they get a blood chemistry panel and the AST and ALT are already elevated, D-Dimer is elevated, and they measure interleukin 6 and it’s up, is that enough information to tell the patient they may have a rocky road and need to be watched more closely?

47:45 I would add one more test and it’s simple - blood glucose and the hemoglobin A1c. What do we know about individuals with hypoglycemia and diabetes with acute Covid-19?

48:35 We operationalize this! I routinely steer patients away from starch and sugary foods during the acute phase of Covid-19 because sugar feeds the infection. Vitamin D should be checked operationally.

49:50 You are the first pathologist I’ve brought on the McCullough Report. What is Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) – explain this in an understandable way to my audience.

55:12 Now let’s discuss the vaccines. If someone takes the vaccine who has never had Covid before, they have this limited library of antibodies just against the spike protein, what happens there?

56:25 And it’s going to bring more virus into the body, so as the virus is replicated in the nasal passages and getting some ingress into the system through Ace2 receptors, there is a viremia (the virus is in the bloodstream), and now the antibodies from the vaccine in a non sterilizing way, bind to the virus and let it further affect the monocytes and make things worse as opposed to the virus being handled by the body’s natural immune system. This has been an amazing interview. Do you have any final words for our audience?

“We need to help people not be hurt … We need to rely upon the science, the data, and be logical and caring in our approach. A lot of people haven’t been hurt and that’s great news!”




Ryan N. Cole, MD

"I care deeply about optimizing health for individuals and for communities. In my work, the patient comes first in all aspects of care."

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