Idaho Victims of Pandemic Policy & Law held a public event to discuss medical-related pandemic policy, biology, treatments, and misinformation in Nampa, Idaho. This group gathered to give voice to the effects of the past two years on people’s lives, their professions, their health, and their families. This group aims to provide solutions and a path where victims can find relief and healing for injuries.
Dr. Cole headlined the event with an emboldened speech starting at 8:48:00 when you click on the image below. He was joined by others including Stew Peters, LTC Theresa Long, MD, an unnamed Naval Officer, Dr. James Thorp, and many others who hold positions where they saw up close the effects of the public health policies during the Covid pandemic. Several vaccine-injured shared their stories, along with others who endured horrific hardship in Idaho hospitals during Covid or lost loved ones to Covid shots and protocols.
“There are still good doctors and nurses out there but they are trapped…giant systems own people’s minds and their will and now they are afraid for their job instead of being concerned for their patient.”
Highlights from Dr. Cole's remarks:
Shares the scientific facts about the new bivalent boosters – they don’t work!
If they are not safe, it doesn’t matter if they are effective, and they are NOT SAFE!
Protect the children, protect the military, and protect humanity.
New study shows that generations to come will have innate immune suppression in those who get these shots.
Spike Harms are numerous and listed in Dr. Cole’s slides.
Birth rates are down throughout the world because the lipid nanoparticle concentrates in the ovaries.
Don’t miss the slides showing spike deposited in the tissues of deceased after their shots
Inflammation of the heart and clotting are causing young people to die.
Only 2 countries on earth allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise: USA and New Zealand. Your neighbors are being fed these errant messages all day every day.
See graphs on cancer rates!
Our governing authorities have used public health and a health emergency to control the populace.
It is up to us to do the right thing!