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Telling the Truth with Brian Hooker Ph.D. on "Doctors and Scientists"

Team Cole

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., hosts medical and academic experts on his weekly internet show called “Doctors & Scientists”. In this show, he calls Ryan Cole, M.D. a hero for talking early and often about his medical concerns around the Covid-19 shots and his approach to caring for people with the illness. He shares about the unusual types of cancers and concerning numbers after the rollout of COVID-19 injections. He also shares what he sees with atypical clotting and his high concern around reproductive toxicology. Time stamps are below the video for help in navigation.

Time Stamps for Video

2:30 Q: What do you do as a clinical pathologist?

3:35 Q: Tell us about Covid-19 in 2020 from your perspective. Dr. Cole discusses how we overreacted to Covid-19 in the beginning, and we didn’t use what we know about SARS-CoV-1 to inform our decision making. The tale of two different ships provided a perfect lab experiment to help us with conclusions, yet we ignored them. He also dug into the trials in animals and the problem with vaccinating against this type of virus. He thought a focus on therapeutics was the best course of action.

6:20 Q: What did early 2021 look like for you in the lab?

Dr. Cole discusses what he saw under the microscope that seemed unusual. Molluscum Contagiosum started showing up in elderly. He was concerned about immune suppression and spike protein impacts. Then he saw a wave of endometrial cancers. He saw a rise in shingles (Herpes virus). This seemed like an unusual pattern.

11:00 Q: Dr. Cole defends his data, even though anecdotal. He discusses the confirmation of the DMED database which was frozen and changed after being shared at Senator Ron Johnson’s hearing. He discusses the other doctors who are sharing what they are seeing by way of clotting and cancer.

13:10 Q: Dr. Cole shares physician numbers and stories of unique cancers they are seeing even in very young people and why they are linking them to the Covid injections.

14:47 Q: Explain mechanistically how immune suppression works and are there facets of the mRNA vaccine or other vaccines that can come into play with cancer concerns?

19:30 Q: Could this have been anticipated? One concerning thing was the lack of duration of the clinical trial. Is this something that could have been screened for in a normal clinical trial?

Dr. Cole discusses the different types of studies that should have been conducted and the reason for extensive testing with this type of product.

22:02 Q: A study done on the liver cell line and they looked at insertional effects and saw that at least a portion of the mRNA could reverse-transcribe and ended up within the liver cell genome. Would those insertional effects have an effect on cancers as well or is that more of a stretch? Dr. Cole explains his concerns about the lipid nanoparticle and the other things we are still learning because studies were not performed ahead of time.

24:50 Dr. Hooker teaches classes in biology and microbiology and the concerns around mutational effects on a cell cycle and when cancers start to form. Discussion around this follows.

25:53 Q: Atypical Clotting - Can you tell us more? Dr. Cole covers the unusual clotting that is being seen in those who have taken the Covid shots and why typical anti-clotting medications aren’t effective and why this isn’t a classical clotting pathway.

32:30 Q: What about reproductive toxicology? The animal studies lead us to expect reproductive toxicity. Dr. Hooker just co-authored a paper on decidual cast shedding, a phenomenon that we’re seeing a lot of individuals who didn’t get the shot, kind of a bystander effect. Dr. Cole has high reproductive concerns. If you read the data tables in the studies on these mRNA shots, you see that the conclusion doesn’t match the data.

34:20 Q: Let’s discuss Shedding. We know the spike does come out in secretions. How much of it is necessary and sufficient to influence an individual and the environment?

34:46 The Pfizer emergency application page 67 says if there is a pregnant woman don’t be in skin contact or in the same room with that individual for four weeks! Pfizer knew something. If you have the toxic part of a virus being shed, that’s a concern.

36:45 Q: Can I get your comment on the use of Remdesivir? The FDA has now given emergency authorization for use of Remdesivir in 1 month old babies of 7 pound weight. To me this is a huge problem with no upside and all downside. They are saying they can use this since there is no vaccine for babies. What do you think?

Dr. Cole discusses the insanity of getting multiple shots and still getting Covid. He discusses the toxicity of this drug. Even the WHO said “Don’t use Remdesivir,” yet here in the US we are giving financial bonuses to hospitals who use this drug. He also discusses the timing of giving this drug and its dangers.

41:30 Q: Dr. Hooker follows Dr. Cole’s work and is a big fan of his work because he TELLS THE TRUTH! Dr. Cole has not been afraid to tell the truth about this pandemic and what he saw in his Idaho lab. What has been the response to telling the truth about Covid-19? Dr. Cole discusses the persecution he has faced for reporting what he sees and his concerns. The two men discuss how science should be approached with an openness and a curiosity. Many opportunities exist to continue helping the vaccine injured in the wake of these gene therapies. Dr. Hooker heralds Dr. Cole as a true hero.




Ryan N. Cole, MD

"I care deeply about optimizing health for individuals and for communities. In my work, the patient comes first in all aspects of care."

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