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Unveiling Dark Truths About the Covid Vaccine | Blunt Force Truth Podcast

Team Cole


Dr. Ryan Cole appears alongside Dr. Lynn Fynn and her husband Dr. Chris to discuss Covid happenings related to the “vaccines.” The wide-ranging discussion journeys from the serious to the very funny and everywhere in between. Our time-stamped recap follows this podcast image, which you can click to hear the full conversation.

3:00 Covid gene therapies are not registered as vaccines with the SEC, escaping regulatory scrutiny. 

4:00 The vaccine narrative continuum is reviewed. Sarcasm ensues.

5:45 Covid fatalities and cases were grossly overstated.

7:50 Did ventilators kill people? Have more people died from the Covid “vaccine” than from Covid itself?

12:15 Cancer deaths in age 15-44 spiked in 2021. Odd cancers also discussed.

16:50 Conspiracy and sunk cost fallacy. Can this product be used for depopulation?

18:50 Medical colleague hate toward independent thinking around the Covid narrative

21:00 Medical research corruption and fraud

26:40 DNA contamination issue

31:10 Shedding discussion, RSV, shingles, and false promises to pregnant moms

34:00 Abortion, marijuana, widespread vaccination, electric cars, food alterations

42:00 Life gives to the givers and takes from the takers

44:30 American Medical Association represents only 12% of physicians and is largely funded by big institutions

45:20 How do we fix this? Speak up. Stand up. Parents rise up. Do not comply. Take courage from nations who are fighting back under communism.

52:15 Medical science is sometimes built on a false foundation (examples include anti-depressant drugs)

53:00 Peptides under fire because of threat to pharmaceuticals

57:30 Lightning Round Q&A

  • Do masks work for viral transfer? Why do surgeons wear them?

  • Six foot distancing origin? Is there any basis? Psychological warfare?

  • If vaccines are so bad now, why did they work against polio and other diseases?

  • I’ve had the vaccine. What now?

  • Why do healthy young athletes seem to be affected more harshly?

  • Infertility concerns 

  • Vitamin D testing

  • Miscellaneous ramblings and electric cars




Ryan N. Cole, MD

"I care deeply about optimizing health for individuals and for communities. In my work, the patient comes first in all aspects of care."

© 2024 by the Cole Team

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